The Village Dispatch:  CMHRC's August 2023 Newsletter
Topic:  CMHRC Has A Toolkit For Everyone
Wednesday Webinars: Back to School Essentials: Speech and Language Edition!
Clinical Seminar for Professionals: Clinical Instincts: The Art and Science of Listening to Your Gut
Free Resources

CMHRC Has A Toolkit For Everyone

Last spring we were so excited to announce the launch of the CMHRC Toolkit. This web app is an easy way to track symptoms, medications, diagnoses, summaries of the day, and even the weather to see how these key elements interact, and to get a clear picture of your or your loved one's stability. Today we're equally excited to announce that this incredible tool is no longer just for CHMRC members, but available to anyone and everyone


Get To Know The Toolkit

(Watch The Video!)


Expanding Access

After an incredible reception from the CMHRC Member community we realized that we couldn't keep this light under a bushel. Now the CMHRC Toolkit is accessible to everyone


With a version for families, and special features for professionals to use with their patients, the CMHRC Toolkit is here to help

with almost any tracking needs. It's set up to be entirely customizable, which means the Toolkit can be used to manage almost any mental or physical illness.


A nurse in our community had this to share, "This Toolkit, it's so simple yet so profound, a true work of genius and a labor of love for all involved." 


Later this fall, we'll be launching a version for schools as well, to help facilitate communication between teachers and parents about how kids with mood and behavior disorders manage at school. 


Start tracking your improvement today with the CMHRC Toolkit.



Back to School Essentials:

Speech & Language Edition!

August 16th, 7:30pm Eastern Time

As you get ready to send your kids back to school, we're welcoming pediatric speech-language pathologist Bobbi Adams to our August webinar! Join us to learn about issues related to speech, speech disorders, and how to find and access treatment from a speech pathologist. Be armed and ready when school starts to champion the speech related need so often associated with mental health and special needs.



Clinical Instincts, The Art and Science of Listening to Your Gut

August 23rd, 5:00pm Eastern Time

Clinicians, we are a diagnostic instrument in and of ourselves! Our feelings, reactions, and even our physical responses to our clients is clinical data telling us what's going on with them. Join us in conversation on the ways in which our responses can provide insight, guide our understanding of our patients' symptomatic episodes, and lead us towards more effective treatment.


Our March Webinar guest, Steve Hoersting, has let us know his book is now available!


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