The Village Dispatch:  CMHRC's November 2023 Newsletter
Topic:  Giving Thanks
Wednesday Webinars:  Mood Disorders and Seasonal Change
Clinical Seminar for Professionals: Fight, Flight, Freeze: The Limbic System, Behavior, and De-Escalation

Giving Thanks

Our final fundraiser of 2023, CMHRC's Giving Thanks Campaign, kicks off today,

and ends on Giving Tuesday, November 28th.

Dear ::subscriber.first_name::,


As we begin November, and Thanksgiving approaches, I am reflecting on the gratitude I have in my heart for everyone who is a part of the CMHRC family. Those who take part in our weekly parent support groups, monthly professional discussion groups, webinars, clinical seminars, and membership program know what I'm talking about, and share my appreciation for not only information, but for the supportive connection we share.  


CMHRC's families are a strong community of parents and caregivers who come together to break down the walls of isolation. In our group meetings, we laugh, we cry, we help one another without judgement, and together we celebrate the successes that only we can recognize and truly understand. 


The CMHRC volunteers enrich our outreach with warmth, comfort, and acceptance while providing a safe space for new families to find the help they need. CMHRC's network of professionals collaborate to bring recovery to those in need. Our staff strives tirelessly to make sure no one is without hope, feels alone on this journey, or lacks the guidance they seek.


Each one of us is especially grateful to the CMHRC Family of Donors who make all of this incredible connection possible, supporting a strong community that is making the world a better place. We can not thank you enough for walking this path with us.


As you reflect on what you're grateful for this holiday season, consider how you can continue improve lives with a gift to support the CMHRC community.


With Gratitude,

Elizabeth Errico

CMHRC Executive Director

Below are messages of thanks from our community for programs made possible by the generosity of our donors. We hope their thanks will encourage you to make a gift this holiday season so we can continue to make these services available. 


Gratitude for Our Community Building

$100 a month supports access to our clinical seminars

"I couldn’t be more thankful to CMHRC for these clinical seminars! Digging into the science behind the disorders I treat in my practice, and to have subtle differences in diagnoses explained is profoundly helpful. Each month I learn from CMHRC something I can put to use in my clinical practice. This is really something to be thankful for. " 

- Ayesha

$75 a month supports access to our webinars


"We love the CMHRC webinars and give many thanks for them! The content is rich, and they go into such depth while making the information easy to understand. This series has helped us have a better understanding of our child and their diagnosis. It's given us the ability to support our child in ways we didn't know were out there. " 

- Martin

$50 a month supports our professional development offerings 

"These groups are so valuable, thank you CMHRC! Being able to convene with other professionals to talk about tough cases, share ideas and resources, and get support from colleagues is something really special. We  don’t prioritize this at work anymore and it’s wonderful that CMHRC offers professionals this service." 

- Steve

$25 a month supports access to our parent support groups

"The CMHRC support groups are simply amazing. Being able to talk with other parents, to commiserate, and to support one another makes us all feel less alone and isolated. We’re so grateful for this incredible online community." 

- Daniella

$20 a month supports access to our membership program

"Parenting a child with bipolar is so isolating! From the educational videos, to the support groups, to the Toolkit, to the private social media group, everything about being a CMHRC member helps us understand our child and help our family. Thank you CMHRC!" 

- Annie

$15 a month supports access to our Toolkit app


"Thank you so much for this Toolkit! It’s so simple yet so profound. A true work of genius and a labor of love for all involved. There isn't a condition the CMHRC Toolkit can't help with once you start keeping track of symptoms and medication. This Toolkit is a gift!" 

- David


Gratitude for Our Programs

$1,500 supports access to our School Advocacy program

"CMHRC advocates attended a full year of school and IEP meetings with me. They advocated tirelessly for my child, and when I had difficult choices to make they helped me think through my options to make the best choice for our family. I don’t think we could have done this alone. Thank you CMHRC!" 

- Deandra

$600 a supports access to our Parent Support groups


"We give thanks for CMHRC’s Diagnostic Consultation! They took a confusing situation and armed us with an understanding of our child’s illness that no one else ever bothered to try to explain to us. CMHRC has made it easier to understand our child’s needs and empowered us to be better advocates." 

- Harmonie

$500 a month supports access to our 'Palliative Parenting' classes

"We're so grateful for the chance to learn about this new approach to parenting. It’s made a unbelievably positive impact on our family life, and reduced the fighting and stress! Now that we have a new perspective and new set of skills our quality of life is so much better. Thank you, we couldn’t have gotten this anywhere else!" 

- Annie

$395 a month supports access to our Transition Support program

"We can’t believe how helpful this service is and we so appreciate the time and energy the CMHRC staff put into helping us. It’s so scary to change providers and CMHRC made the process smooth and simple for us. Pulling our child’s history together in such a concise way, and putting it into language our new provider could understand and consider, made a difficult transition so much easier. Thank you CMHRC!" 

- Collette

$200 a month supports access to our Community Advocacy program

"We give thanks because reaching out to CMHRC about my daughter has literally changed our lives for the better. Allowing her counselor and psychiatrist to talk with CMHRC was the best thing we ever did. They staff was understanding, responsive, and supportive of us and our providers. They took a bunch of professionals from different places and turned them into a team. Thank you!" 

- Louie



Managing Behavioral Emergencies

November 15th, 7:30-8:30pm Eastern Time


Join us for a webinar on managing mental health crises as we welcome expert paramedic Luke Meehan. He'll talk with us about how to deescalate, how to stay safe, how to know when to call 911, and what your options are once the police and medical personnel arrive. This is an absolute must-see webinar for those living with mental illness in the household. 



Fight, Flight, Freeze Part 1:

The Limbic System, Behavior Dysregulation, and De-escalation

November 29th, 5:00-6:30pm Eastern Time

Traditional behavior modification techniques often don’t work for children and teens with mood disorders, bipolar disorder, and Fear of Harm. This causes frustration for kids, parents, teachers, and their providers. Join us for a free two part series to learn about the role the limbic system plays in common symptoms and behaviors associated with mood disorders and bipolar in children and teens.

In Part 1 we will focus on learning about each part of the limbic system and how they contribute to symptoms and behaviors that have traditionally been called "psychiatric" or considered to be "willful".

In Part 2, on December 20th, 2023 we will focus on how the limbic system contributes to dysregulation and how it can be the key to de-escalation in times of crisis.


Sent by CMHRC

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