The Village Dispatch:  CMHRC's May 2023 Newsletter
Topic:  It's Children's Mental Health Awareness Month!
Wednesday Webinars: The Lived Experience: of Mental Illness in Childhood
Clinical Seminar for Professionals: Can Kids Have Bipolar?
Giving Corner:  Let's Celebrate CMHRC Kids!
Free Resources

It's Children's Mental Health Awareness Month!

Today and all month long we celebrate the hard-working kids who struggle with mood disorders, bipolar, and FOH. Your gift to CMHRC’s 2023 Children’s Mental Health Awareness Fundraiser honors each and every child.

Give for Children’s

Mental Health Awareness


Every family living with a mood disorder knows the "little things" most people take for granted don't come easy for our kids. In fact, those so-called "little things" are hard won and often demonstrate incredible progress.

Going to the movies with friends, sleeping in their own bed, joining a soccer team, or raising a hand in class are everyday activities for most kids. But for kids with mood disorders, bipolar, and FOH these are huge victories!

An Inspiring Story from Our Community

“This may not sound like much to most people, but we’re just so proud of our 15 year old son for being able to stay away from home for the first time. He has Bipolar and Fear of Harm and his early life was just filled with horrible nightmares, sleeplessness, anxiety, and so much irritability all the time!  But once we found the people of CMHRC, everything changed for the better.

A few short years ago our son would have been too consumed by his symptoms to ever feel safe enough to spend a night away from us. But this spring he went away with his school and classmates on a 4 day wilderness canoeing trip! He prepared for the trip, managed his medications while he was away, and spent those days thriving instead of being held back by his disorder.

For so long all we did was worry about a future that seemed so uncertain. Now we see great things ahead for him! He’s come so far and we’re so proud of him. We’re also incredibly grateful to CMHRC for showing him and our family the road to recovery.”

You Can Make The Difference

These kinds of achievements come from the hard work these kids put in and from your sustained support. This year we ask you to consider a gift of $365. That’s just $1 dollar for every day of hope you can bring to a child this year.

Please don’t delay. Make a gift today. You can give through our safe and secure online giving platform or, by sending a check payable to Children's Mental Health Resource Center to:

CMHRC Gift Processing | 111 Hekili St. Suite A-600 | Kailua, HI 96734

On behalf of our entire CMHRC family, thank you for your continued support. Now, let’s Celebrate CMHRC Kids!



The Lived Experience of

Mental Illness in Childhood:

How Families Survive and Thrive

May 17th, 7:30pm Eastern Time


Join CMHRC executive director Elizabeth Errico as she welcomes CMHRC families to talk about the life transforming power of getting the correct diagnosis and treatment for bipolar and Fear of Harm. Too often families are isolated in their struggles with these challenging disorders. As part of the CMHRC community no one needs to face mood disorders, bipolar, and Fear of Harm alone.



Can Kids Have Bipolar?

May 24th, 5:00pm Eastern Time

Many practitioners have been taught that kids under the age of 16 or 18 can't have bipolar disorder. But that's simply not true. Symptom manifest differently from adults, so it can be hard to recognize if you haven't been taught what to look for. Join us for a review of symptoms and a discussion on how to integrate this knowledge into your clinical practice.



Let's Celebrate CMHRC Kids!


Your gift goes a long way to support our comprehensive support services for families, our tenacious advocacy, and essential education programs for families and providers. You make CMHRC's lifesaving outreach possible.

"What CMHRC does is save lives, plain and simple. Without the connection of the CMHRC support groups and the education and advocacy I don’t know where we’d be. We are so grateful for CMHRC!” 

– Mother of a 9 year old with Bipolar and Fear of Harm

A contribution to CMHRC helps us provide families with our Parent & Caregiver Online Support Groups and help families transform from living with unrelenting symptoms to finding the peace and harmony they need to thrive. 


Be among the lifesavers today, make a gift in honor of these families today!



Our March Webinar guest, Steve Hoersting, has let us know his book is now available!


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